Navigation Resources
I have put together this list of Navigation Resources which includes links to Websites, Recommended reading, Downloads, Apps and Videos.
I use and have used all these resources and wanted to share them with you for your reference so you can do some home research before a course or just do some home learning!
This is an open ended list and more resources will be added over time to create a comprehensive list
(Click on the Bullet Point heading to go to resource)
Teaching resource downloads to help you learn the basics of navigation
The Legend of symbols from OS 1:25,000 maps
The Legend of symbols from OS 1:50,000 maps
The Legend of symbols from Harvey Maps Superwalker maps
The Legend of symbols from Harvey Maps British Mountain Maps
Digital download of basic map reading
Digital download of Contour interpretation
Navigational cards for measuring distance on a map and timing table on the reverse. Print out to scale and laminate for use on the hill


The British Mountaineering Council Shop's selection of books on navigation
A website selling essential navigational tools, books and offering advice.
The website of Harvey Maps selling their own unique waterproof maps for walkers and climbers.
The website of Ordnance Survey selling a range of maps of the entire UK
The website for the NNAS detailing the awards, syllabus and what it is about.

Free or Premium subscription. Get the entire UK OS maps on your phone or tablet to plan routes and print off maps.

The free app converts GPS location readings from your mobile phone to Ordnance Survey National Grid references

Free or Premium subscription. A digital guide to the outdoors with downloadable route guides, outdoor maps, and GPS navigation features.